
*Intelligent Technologies.ai™ and associated companies, (Wellness Technologies.ai™, Weight Loss Technologies.ai™, FoodPharmacy™) Disclaimer

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

 ** As a health practitioner, to utilize any of the software applications of Intelligent Technologies.ai™ or any of its associated companies including Wellness Technologies.ai™, Weight Loss Technologies.ai™ or FoodPharmacy™, (herein after called “associated companies”), you must agree to the terms and conditions and agree that you, or your company, are licensed, certified, or otherwise legally permitted in the state, province, or country of your professional practice to provide nutritional consultation or advice.

 Or alternatively, you confirm that if you are not licensed, certified, or otherwise legally permitted in the state, province, or country to provide nutritional consultation or advice, then the Intelligent Technologies.ai™ products will be used for general reference and educational purposes ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR USE OF THE INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGIES.AI PRODUCTS AND PROGRAMS OR ANY OR THE PRODUCTS OR PROGRAMS FROM ANY OF ITS ASSOCIATED COMPANIES.

 The information on this website and in the Intelligent Technologies.ai™ applications and associated companies’ applications are for educational and informational purposes for you and your doctor. 

 This Website and related software applications are not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of/for any health condition or problem.  Any questions or concerns that you have regarding your health, or any health challenge should be addressed by your personal healthcare provider / physician. 

 The information, biomarkers, nutritional supplements, and foods listed from the applications are for support of the body, organs, and various tissues. The information on this website, as well as any printed or audio or video material that you download or receive from us by some other delivery system, is not intended to take the place of the observation and guidance of a physician or other healthcare provider.

 All material presented here must be considered ‘dated’ and the publisher disclaims any responsibility if the material has been supplanted. And keep in mind that anyone who wishes to commence any dietary, drug, exercise, or other lifestyle change intended to prevent or treat a specific disease or condition should first consult with and seek clearance from a qualified health care professional.

 Intelligent Technologies.ai™ and ALL of its associated companies makes no warranties, no expressions nor implied representations whatsoever regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, comparative or controversial nature or usefulness of any information contained or referenced on this Website or on any Intelligent Technologies.ai™ or its associated companies, (Wellness Technologies.ai™, Weight Loss Technologies.ai™ or FoodPharmacy™) application.  Intelligent Technologies.ai™ and its associated companies does not assume any risk whatsoever for your use of any of their Websites or Applications or the information or products contained herein. 

In using this Website or any of the associated companies websites or Applications, you agree that Intelligent Technologies.ai, LLC, its associated companies, nor any other party is or will be liable or otherwise responsible for any decision made, product purchased, or any action taken, or any action not taken due to your use of any applications, information, therapies and/or products or services presented in any of the Intelligent Technologies.ai™ or associated companies websites or applications.

 We urge consumers to implement any dietary program only after consultation with a healthcare provider who monitors your condition while under treatment. However, as an adult, you have the lawful right to buy this product from us, if you agree to the terms and conditions, whether or not you are a healthcare professional or consult with a healthcare professional, and we have the right to sell it to you. However, by virtue of this warning and disclaimer, you may not hold us responsible for any adverse effects you suffer, and you may not look to us to indemnify you from your own decision to use this product without checking with your healthcare provider.

 Licensed healthcare practitioners acknowledge and agree that the use of any Intelligent Technologies.ai or associated companies’ software applications or products are intended as a tool only. You understand that Intelligent Technologies.ai and its associated companies do not recommend or endorse any specific plan, treatment, drug, food, or other product. You agree to use your independent medical judgment for any patient care decisions. Intelligent Technologies.ai and its associated companies provide no medical advice and shall not be liable for any decisions made or actions taken in reliance on information obtained through use of its software applications or products.

Studies & Trials

Studies and trials have been conducted to evaluate the weight loss programs offered by Intelligent Technologies.ai and its associated companies. These programs were previously evaluated under identical programs from another company that Intelligent Technologies.ai, LLC has acquired assets from. The study specifically refers to the 40 Day Weight Loss Program, which is named after its second phase which lasts for 40 days. However, it is important to note that the program itself spans a total of 65+ days. The program name has been updated to The 40 Day Classic Weight Loss Program and is commonly referred to as The Classic Weight Loss Program.

An IRB Approved Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled (non-personalized and unsupervised) Trial was conducted by an independent contract research organization. Results show an average weight loss of 6.13 pounds in 20 days and 8.8 lbs. in 45 days on the 40-day (non-Personalized and unsupervised) Weight Loss Program. The top 10% of participants average weight loss at day 45 was 24.25 pounds.

 A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Case Study and biostatistical analysis was authored by an independent researcher. Data comes from first time clients who submitted data to a third party for tracking of daily weight loss and progress through the Intelligent Technologies.ai weight loss programs and the results have been accurately and transparently presented. The Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Case Study Results show an average weight loss of 26.2 lbs. on the Classic weight loss program, with an average weight loss of 14.3 lbs. within the first 20 days of the program.

 Acquisition of Prior Research and Programs

Intelligent Technologies.ai acquired certain assets relating to nutritional products and weight loss programs, including underlying research studies, that were previously offered by another company operating under a different name. Intelligent Technologies.ai and its associated companies have adopted and further developed these programs under its own name and brands. However, Intelligent Technologies.ai and its associated companies does not adopt, and expressly disclaims, any liabilities or responsibilities for actions or claims relating to the prior activities of the other company mentioned herein.


STRONGSCIENCE® Certification is a third-party certification that reflects the educated views and opinions of StrongScience® researchers only, and is supported by a scientific evaluation of the Intelligent Technologies.ai weight loss programs under the terms and conditions in the Research Agreement.

 The original Level 2 STRONGSCIENCE® certification of the weight loss program referred to as the first and only weight loss program to receive level 2 STRONGSCIENCE certification refers to the weight loss program of another company whose assets were acquired by Intelligent Technologies.ai and its associated companies and the certification has been transferred as well as the assets of the previous company. Intelligent Technologies.ai and its associated companies utilize the exact same protocol, technologies, and products as the previous weight loss program which was acquired. Intelligent Technologies.ai has adopted and further developed these programs under its own name and brand.

StrongScience® certifications are based on information, data, and research known or available to StrongScience® at the time of its review, and information disclosed to StrongScience® by interested parties. Certifications are limited to that universe of information available to StrongScience®.

 Certification is limited to the individual ingredients, blends, or combinations of ingredients which are submitted to StrongScience® for evaluation, or the specific ingredients, blends, or combinations of ingredients for which StrongScience deems certification appropriate. The Certification only applies to those identified articles, unless stated otherwise in the StrongScience® literature. Certification is not a guarantee or warranty that a product is safe or effective for all consumers, in part, because product performance and safety depend on many factors that cannot be predicted or applied to all consumer uses generally, or to all conditions of use. The StrongScience® Certification does not substitute for medical advice, and is not intended to serve as advice to any consumer regarding proper use or application of consumer products reviewed. Whenever starting or using a health-related product, users are always encouraged to consult with a qualified healthcare provider.

 StrongScience® does not represent, certify, or warrant that any consumer product complies with applicable law, statute, or regulation. StrongScience® is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice. Questions concerning the legality of certified products, or the use of certified products, should be directed to competent legal counsel or authorities. StrongScience® does not endorse or support any particular product use, and reports solely on the scientific support associated with labeling claims. StrongScience® has no financial or property interests in any Product subject to certification, or in companies manufacturing or distributing same.

 More information regarding STRONGSCIENCE® Certification can be found on the StrongScience® website at http://strongscience.com/


Official Intelligent Technologies.ai, Weight Loss Technologies.ai, Wellness Technologies.ai and FoodPharmacy locations are independent licensees and as such may not offer all Intelligent Technologies.ai products and services and may choose not to participate in all promotions or guarantees. Weight Loss Technologies.ai licensees acknowledge that they will utilize the Weight Loss Technologies.ai products, services and protocols as was used in the studies in order to cite or utilize the clinical trials and studies, with the understanding that as a licensee, they are responsible for their own advertising and shall follow all applicable state, federal and local advertising laws and regulations.

 Excipient Free:

Intelligent Technologies.ai and its associated companies make every effort possible to provide products that are free of added undesirable, unnecessary, or potentially harmful excipients, and contain only the listed active ingredients wherever feasible based on formulation and manufacturing needs. The products that state excipient free or free from added undesirable excipients fall in this category.

 A few products, such as tablets, tend to use formats that may require the use of additional ingredients to enable proper product manufacturing and use. These products do not state that they are excipient free. All ingredients, including these additional ingredients, would be disclosed on the product label and product information.

 Where additional ingredients beyond the active ingredients are included based on necessary product format or manufacturing requirements, every attempt is made to select such ingredients that are as minimally processed and contaminant-free as possible according to prevailing safety standards.

 Our products are manufactured to avoid added magnesium stearate, artificial colors, artificial flavors, or artificial preservatives wherever feasible. The product label clearly lists all ingredients contained in the product, including any additional included ingredients beyond the active ingredients.

 Before and After results:

All before and after images are actual clients who have participated in the weight loss program. Intelligent Technologies.ai acquired assets of another company which are used for its weight loss program. Before and After Results and testimonials were from the previously offered program which was the identical program and using identical products but operated under a different name. Intelligent Technologies.ai has adopted and further developed these programs under its own name and brand.

 Comparison Chart:

The Weight Loss Program Comparison chart is for comparison purposes and general information only. It is based upon best available and known information. Intelligent Technologies.ai and / or associated companies including Wellness Technologies.ai, Weight Loss Technologies.ai, and FoodPharmacy, makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, or reliability with respect to the information, products or services on this comparison chart. In all cases, the consumer is advised to evaluate and rely on their own judgment regarding any product or service for the specific users’ needs. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly your own responsibility.

Scale Biometrics and Mobile Applications:

We have developed our own equations which we believe increase accuracy and utilize other body composition calculations in addition to height, weight, and age. All biometrics including BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), DCI (Daily Calorie Intake) and metabolic age are for the consumers own relative comparison and general information only. Most common BMR calculations, such as the Harris-Benedict equation, only utilize height, weight, and age.

 Both the DCI and the Metabolic Age utilize the Intelligent Technologies.ai BMR in their calculations which utilizes additional biometrics.

 Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, or reliability with respect to these equations and calculations. These calculations are provided for your own relative comparison and general information. The consumer and practitioner are advised not to rely on these numbers / calculations and that any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly your own responsibility.

 Weight Loss Programs:

Weight loss among participants on the Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies Weight Loss program varies. Federal agencies suggest most people who participate in any weight loss program will lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies Weight Loss programs involve low calories (800 calories/day) and other dietary and lifestyle restrictions or modifications.

 Weight Loss Program Life-Style Change:

The Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies Classic Weight Loss Program is a 65+ day program that consists of 6 Phases. Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies provide personal coaching and other resources over a 65 day period of which between 40 to 45 days involve low calorie (800 calories / day) and other dietary and lifestyle modifications. The weight loss portion involves various dietary and lifestyle modifications including being empowered by knowing the foods that tend to most likely match the client’s wellness goals. These foods are divided into 4 categories: Optimal, preferred, neutral and cautionary. The majority of the foods that the client eats, are encouraged to be the foods that they enjoy the most from the Optimal & Preferred food lists. Food timing and frequency rules are also a part of the program.

 WHAT IS Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM?

There are 2 core Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies weight loss programs…  

The Classic Weight Loss Program and the Mini-Classic Weight Loss Program

 The Classic Weight Loss Program:

  • Between 40 to 45 days involve low calorie (800 calories / day) and other dietary and lifestyle modifications.


The Mini-Classic Weight Loss Program:

  • Between 20 to 25 days involve low calorie (800 calories / day) and other dietary and lifestyle modifications on the Mini-Classic Weight Loss Program.

 In addition, some locations may offer:

The 1-Year Unlimited Weight Loss Program:

  • Consists of up to 3 Classic Weight Loss Programs within a 1-year period
  • Unlimited support access for 1 year

The Wellness & Metabolic Makeover Programs

  • Available for general wellness or to support the body for individuals with known health challenges
  • There are 9-week programs and 12-week programs

 During the Weight Loss Programs, dietary and lifestyle modifications are a part of the program including:

  • Utilizing the Intelligence Analysis to create personalized food lists intended to support the participants unique wellness goals.
  • These personalized food lists are divided into 4 categories: Optimal, Preferred, Neutral and Cautionary.
  • Participants are empowered by having the knowledge of the foods that may tend to better support their unique needs.
  • The majority of foods that Participants consume are encouraged to be foods that they enjoy from the Optimal & Preferred food lists.
  • There are no prepackaged foods or shakes, foods may be obtained from your local grocery store or supermarket.
  • Each meal is balanced with a protein, a vegetable and a fruit.
  • The participants are to utilize little to no oils or fats during the weight loss phase of the program and cannot eat the same vegetable or fruit twice in one day.
  • Participants should not eat the same protein over a 2-day period.
  • ai Intelligence Analysis creates personalized nutritional supplement lists that are intended to support the participants unique wellness goals.
  • Participants are supplied the personalized supplements and dosage recommendations as well as the period of time in which they are to consume the nutritional supplements.
  • After the weight loss phase of the program (phase 4 and beyond), the participant increases their caloric intake substantially as determined by utilizing calculations involving daily calorie intake and basal metabolic rate from the users’ body composition analysis. Calorie intake during this period is typically within the 1500–2500 calorie range (consistent with current U.S. Department of Health recommendations [HHS, 2017]) for focusing on weight maintenance.
  • The participant is educated during the supervised portion of the program on how to recognize metabolic imbalances as well as, what the participant can do to help maintain their weight loss after supervision ends.

 WHAT IS Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies WELLNESS PROGRAMS (WELLNESS & METABOLIC MAKEOVER)?

There are multiple Intelligent Technologies.ai and its related companies’ wellness programs called the Wellness & Metabolic Makeover Program… 

 These wellness programs support the body when patients are suffering from various previously diagnosed health challenges.

 There may be various Wellness programs available at Licensed Locations including:

  • The General Wellness Program called Wellness & Metabolic Makeover
  • Autoimmune Wellness & Metabolic Makeover
  • Hypothyroid Wellness & Metabolic Makeover
  • And possibly others

 The Wellness Programs are typically either a 9-week program or a 12-week program:

 During the Wellness Programs, dietary and lifestyle modifications are a part of the program including:

  • Utilizing Wellness Intelligence Analysis to create personalized food lists intended to support the participants unique wellness goals.
  • These personalized food lists are divided into 4 categories: Preferred, Neutral, Cautionary, and Avoid.
  • Participants are empowered by having the knowledge of the foods that may tend to better support their unique needs.
  • Phase 2 of the wellness programs utilizes dietary and lifestyle modifications of the weight loss program.

 Updated 6-12-24

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