Map Policy

Intelligent, LLC, Weight Loss, LLC, Wellness, and FoodPharmacy: Minimum Pricing Policy for Licensees: 

  1. Purpose

Intelligent, LLC (“”) and its subsidiaries Weight Loss, LLC (“”), Wellness (, and FoodPharmacy, together known as “ Companies”, have established this Minimum Advertised Price Policy (“Policy”) to protect the reputation and brand image of their weight management and wellness products and programs. Certain advertising practices may undermine the premium image of Companies’ offerings if not properly managed. This Policy aims to encourage Companies Licensees to prioritize product quality, customer experience and technical support. 

The Policy applies to all licensees advertising Companies’ products and programs, whether using private labeled product or our generic, corporate labeled products to end consumers in territories where Companies conduct business. This unified Policy supersedes all prior policies and agreements regarding minimum advertised pricing between Companies and their authorized licensee. 

  1. Covered Products and Programs

This Policy applies to advertisements of Companies’ offerings listed on the Companies’ MAP Schedule, which will be made available to all licensees. The MAP Schedule identifies products and programs subject to minimum advertised pricing (“Covered Products/Programs”) and may be updated by at any time. 

While licensees are responsible for reviewing the current MAP Schedule, Companies will aim to provide timely notifications of any changes. The MAP Schedule and any modifications to Covered Products/Programs will take effect following a notice period not exceeding 30 days. 

  1. Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)

The “Minimum Advertised Price” or “MAP” refers to the lowest price at which an authorized licensee may promote or advertise the Covered Products/Programs. Companies retains sole responsibility for setting the MAP and notifying licensees of pricing through updates to the MAP Schedule. Licensees remain free to determine the actual selling price of any Companies offerings including the Covered Products and Programs. 

However, it is a violation of this Policy for a licensee to advertise or promote any Covered Product/Program at a price point below its listed MAP. Licensees who fail to comply risk penalties, as detailed further within this document. Companies’ may from time to time modify the MAP of designated offerings by updating the published MAP Schedule. Licensees are expected to promptly align their promotional pricing accordingly. 

  1. Advertising and Promotional Guidelines

For the purpose of this Policy, the terms “advertising” and “promotion” refer to any communication or display of pricing information for Covered Products/Programs through various media channels, including but not limited to: 

Websites, blogs, social media platforms

Digital ads such as display, mobile, paid search, product listing

Printed materials such as brochures, flyers, magazines

Broadcast media like TV, radio, billboards

Third-party affiliate networks, comparison shopping platforms

Text/email outreach to current and prospective customers

The above terms do not refer to physical signage within a licensee’s retail premises. Nor do they include pricing presented at final online checkout, provided any prior pricing is obscured from search/shopping engines as well as internal search on a licensee’s website. 

Licensees must avoid any direct or indirect attempts to circumvent the advertising guidelines set forth in this Policy. 

  1. Prohibited Practices and Permitted Promotions

Advertising in violation of this Policy includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Promotional codes, discounts or rebates that advertise a Covered Product/Program below MAP pricing. 
  • Bundling or multi-packs implying individual items would sell below MAP if purchased separately. 
  • Indicating a lower price is available at checkout through strikethroughs or similar. 
  • Allowing third parties to alter advertised pricing of Covered Products/Programs. 
  • Attempts to circumvent the Policy through promotional loopholes. 

The following practices are excluded from the above prohibitions: 

  • Customer-initiated requests for pricing via call, text, or email, without listing prices. 
  • Shipping promotions applied broadly across a licensee’s assortment. 
  • Loyalty programs such as subscription or auto-replenishment discounts up to 10% below MAP. 
  • Loyalty programs which offer a reward of one free product after reaching a threshold of purchasing large amounts of products or program referrals. 
  • Volume discounts triggering at higher purchase quantities, keeping individual item pricing above MAP. 
  • Limited duration introductory coupons for new customers, with a maximum discount of 20% below MAP. 

Licensees must conduct promotions in good faith without implying lower pricing for Covered Products/Programs. 

  1. Policy Parameters

This document serves as an independent policy by Companies, not an agreement between the company and any licensees. While licensees independently decide whether to comply, non-participating parties remain unauthorized to sell Covered Products/Programs. Companies seek no formal assurances or commitments regarding this Policy from licensees. The terms presented here are non-negotiable and will be uniformly applied. Companies’ reserve the right to amend this Policy at its discretion. 

Licensees must understand adherence to defined parameters regarding MAP advertising, without expectation the Policy can be adjusted for any particular party. Non-compliance is subject to corrective actions detailed further below. 

  1. Exceptions for Designated Promotions Companies may occasionally allow temporary exceptions to the MAP pricing rules for select promotions. 

In such instances, the company will provide advance notice to all authorized licensees announcing “MAP Holiday” periods during which advertising below the defined MAP will be permitted. 

Notices will outline any promotional terms and timeframes licensees must respect to qualify for relief from otherwise applicable MAP restrictions. Discounts beyond the authorized parameters will still constitute a violation of this Policy. Companies aim to treat all licensees fairly by publicly communicating any designated promotions where flexibility is granted to discount Covered Products/Programs temporarily below their regular MAPs. 

  1. Non-Compliance Companies reserve the right to reasonably enforce this Policy and address violations by authorized licensees. Unless otherwise justified, actions will follow this progression: 

Initial Violation: Documented warning sent to licensee outlining non-compliant activity. 

Repeat Violation: Second warning plus 60-day suspension of order acceptance/fulfillment privileges for licensee. 

Persistent Non-Compliance: Termination of licensee and removal of right to advertise/sell Covered Products/Programs. Companies’ will enforce this Policy at its sole discretion using a process it considers reasonably proportional, though licensees cannot compel or preclude any compliance decisions. 

The goal is to achieve voluntary cooperation safeguarding brand equity, not administer punitive actions. Licensees lack standing to independently enforce this Policy. 

  1. Policy Governance Companies reserve the right to update, revise, suspend or otherwise modify this Policy at its sole discretion. Any amendments will be documented and provided to licensees. 

Company employees are not authorized to negotiate Policy terms, grant exemptions, or seek compliance commitments from licensees. General questions should be directed in writing to Companies’ Compliance Department. 

To ensure consistent, fair enforcement, licensees and staff cannot engage in discussions interpreting elements of this Policy outside official channels. Companies will not consider requests to deviate from documented guidelines. 

Communications regarding the Policy and any related matters must be submitted to No other forms of contact between the company and licensees concerning this independent regulatory framework will be entertained. 

The effective date of the Policy is June 12, 2024.

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